Cross Band Combiners
SKU | CD1000/1940SK-E3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | DC |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.2 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 960 |
Isolation (dB) | 75 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 1710 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.2 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 2170 |
Power (Watts) | 20 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 8.6 x 1.5 x 0.9 |
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SKU | CD1000/2470SK-B3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 50 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.3 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 1000 |
Isolation (dB) | 70 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 2440 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.3 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 2500 |
Power (Watts) | 30 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 4.5 x 2.3 x 1.2 |
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SKU | CD2400/5787.5MK-D2 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 50 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.3 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 2400 |
Isolation (dB) | 60 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 5725 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.6 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 5850 |
Power (Watts) | 20 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 3.8 x 1.7 x 1.0 |
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SKU | CD520/880SK-E3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | DC |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 520 |
Isolation (dB) | 60 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 900 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 960 |
Power (Watts) | 30 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 8.50 x 2.48 x 1.07 |
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SKU | CD751/887MK-D3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 698 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | <0.4 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 804 |
Isolation (dB) | 60 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 824 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | <0.4 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 950 |
Power (Watts) | 80 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 10.30 x 5.58 x 2.53 |
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SKU | CD751/887SK-F5 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 698 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | <0.4 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 804 |
Isolation (dB) | 55 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 824 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | <0.4 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 950 |
Power (Watts) | 10 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 7.50 x 275 x 1.95 |
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SKU | CD829/1940MK-D3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 698 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | <0.2 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 960 |
Isolation (dB) | 50 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 1710 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | <0.2 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 960 |
Power (Watts) | 80 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 7.4 x 5.2 x 1.1 |
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SKU | CD859/1920HK-D4 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 824 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.2 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 894 |
Isolation (dB) | 65 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 1850 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.2 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 1990 |
Power (Watts) | 150 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 4.8 x 5.0 x 3.2 |
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SKU | CD859/1920SK-D4 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 824 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.2 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 894 |
Isolation (dB) | 65 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 1850 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.2 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 1990 |
Power (Watts) | 60 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 4.8 x 5.0 x 3.2 |
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SKU | CD880/1922SK-E3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 800 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 960 |
Isolation (dB) | 75 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 1850 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 7995 |
Power (Watts) | 20 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 8.5 x 2.5 x 1.1 |
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SKU | CD881/60SK-M3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 806 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 886 |
Isolation (dB) | 40 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 896 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 941 |
Power (Watts) | 20 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 5.6 x 2.3 x 2.2 |
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SKU | CD882/60MK-E2 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | 806 |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 869 |
Isolation (dB) | 80 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 896 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 945 |
Power (Watts) | 100 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 11.4 x 4.0 x 3.2 |
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SKU | CD900/AWS/SK-B3 |
Low Band Start (MHz) | DC |
Low Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.1 |
Low Band Stop (MHz) | 960 |
Isolation (dB) | 50 |
High Band Start (MHz) | 1710 |
High Band Insertion Loss (dB) | 0.4 |
High Band Stop (MHz) | 2170 |
Power (Watts) | 20 |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) | 3.0 x 2.2 x 1.3 |
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Low Band | High Band | ||||||||||
SKU | Start (MHz) |
Insertion Loss (dB) |
Stop (MHz) |
Isolation (dB) |
Start (MHz) |
Insertion Loss (dB) |
Stop (MHz) |
Power (Watts) |
Dimensions LxWxH (Inches) |
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CD1000/1940SK-E3 | DC | 0.2 | 960 | 75 | 1710 | 0.2 | 2170 | 20 | 8.6 x 1.5 x 0.9 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD1000/2470SK-B3 | 50 | 0.3 | 1000 | 70 | 2440 | 0.3 | 2500 | 30 | 4.5 x 2.3 x 1.2 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD2400/5787.5MK-D2 | 50 | 0.3 | 2400 | 60 | 5725 | 0.6 | 5850 | 20 | 3.8 x 1.7 x 1.0 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD520/880SK-E3 | DC | 0.4 | 520 | 60 | 900 | 0.4 | 960 | 30 | 8.50 x 2.48 x 1.07 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD751/887MK-D3 | 698 | <0.4 | 804 | 60 | 824 | <0.4 | 950 | 80 | 10.30 x 5.58 x 2.53 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD751/887SK-F5 | 698 | <0.4 | 804 | 55 | 824 | <0.4 | 950 | 10 | 7.50 x 275 x 1.95 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD829/1940MK-D3 | 698 | <0.2 | 960 | 50 | 1710 | <0.2 | 960 | 80 | 7.4 x 5.2 x 1.1 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD859/1920HK-D4 | 824 | 0.2 | 894 | 65 | 1850 | 0.2 | 1990 | 150 | 4.8 x 5.0 x 3.2 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD859/1920SK-D4 | 824 | 0.2 | 894 | 65 | 1850 | 0.2 | 1990 | 60 | 4.8 x 5.0 x 3.2 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD880/1922SK-E3 | 800 | 0.4 | 960 | 75 | 1850 | 0.4 | 7995 | 20 | 8.5 x 2.5 x 1.1 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD881/60SK-M3 | 806 | 0.4 | 886 | 40 | 896 | 0.4 | 941 | 20 | 5.6 x 2.3 x 2.2 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD882/60MK-E2 | 806 | 0.4 | 869 | 80 | 896 | 0.4 | 945 | 100 | 11.4 x 4.0 x 3.2 | View Specs | Get Quote |
CD900/AWS/SK-B3 | DC | 0.1 | 960 | 50 | 1710 | 0.4 | 2170 | 20 | 3.0 x 2.2 x 1.3 | View Specs | Get Quote |
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